Off we went to the Marv Jensen field where we had it all to ourselves. I felt quite pleased to have my kite fly a few minutes and then I would hold my hand up high and try to coach it into the air. Noah would purposely guide his kite right into the path of my forehead and giggle...but soon we had caught the wind. It seems the higher it got, the more it soared so that you didn't have to do much coaxing. It was absolutely euphoric. There for a moment, I thought of how and what I have busied my life with because I had to get something done. There was never time to fly a kite...and yet here I was having the most peaceful moment in the beauty of spring. It wasn't something that I was anxious to end.
Noah and I had also brought silly string along with us when the kite string had had enough. Oh what fun...Noah had such pleasure seeing me tangled up in the web of string and I had fun letting him. There is so much to do and so much to see when you have a young one for a companion and friend.
Noah's Dad is coaching his baseball team. They are going to be the Yankees and will play on the field where we flew our kites. They had a clinic for all the teams. I love children and I am always trying to find a way to connect. Here was this cute group of boys. There was one that was just staring and had a twinkle in his eye. I looked to his shirt. It was red with big letters and I said out loud for all to hear, "O Backs !!!! How did you get so lucky to be the O Backs." He stood there with a look that said to me, "Lady...whatever are you talking about?" Then I realized, it was another "cuh juh" "wooden roses" kind of moment. Connie whispered under her breath, "D-Backs, they are the Diamond Backs."
I guess my Mom was right. Sometimes this world just needs a little "out there" kind of moments and that is what I do best.
What are little boys made of? Snips and snail, and kites that sails, strings and strings and baseball teams, that is what little boys are made of.
What I learned from Noah: If you can't decide which kite you like, pretend one is for your Mom and then you get two kites.