Monday, May 10, 2010

I Found My Thrill on Blueberry Baths ???

My little boy is way into experiments. Just last week, he pulled out the vinegar, some water and some baking soda. He made his version of an explosion. It wasn't as scary as I had anticipated, still it was messy and I need to restock on vinegar. I love his desire to explore and create. He is a real problem solver. What I am not a fan of is the incredible leftover mess and the undoubtedly worst timing ever.

Noah and I ventured to see Grandma and Grandpa at the Marriott Hotel. Once again...swimming, movie, room service and the like. He started thinking he was something kind of special in the annoying sort of way. He pulled up the lounge chair, ordered a movie, and feasted like a king. Oh it was all in fun. My plan was to keep him up late so that he would sleep in and be less of a handful for Grandma while I went to the Temple with Grandpa.

The plan worked beautifully. He slept in and in and even in some more. What I didn't prepare for was how tired I would be that night and how not tired he would be. Noah and I slept in the Suite. (I still think it is so funny he won't sleep in the Murphy Bed.)

At 1:06 a.m. I awoke from a slumber to find my son in the kitchenette conducting an experiment with everything Grandpa and Grandma had in the fridge including Grandpa's Blueberries. He was determined to change the water to blue. Then there was the pounding and the mashing. That experiment ended abruptly.

The next morning, his water was blue. He carried that with him. I had him apologize to Grandpa for a breakfast wasted on Science.

It was time for us all to get ready for Church. Noah had been placed in the bath. I was packing and getting ready myself so I would step in to check on Noah. I saw that little bottle of mashed blueberries and the thought came, I hope he doesn't put that in his bath water. The thought passed. Grandpa and I visited about parenting and that you just love your children through the good and the bad, when I hear..."Mom, come here." I stepped in and there he was sitting in purple water!!!! I knew it, I should have taken the blueberries. He said it wasn't the blueberries and held up a bottle. It was special shampoo for silver hair to keep it shiny and white. I think Grandpa was about ready to swallow his words. I said, "Noah, you can't just take things and use them. You need to ask permission first. Why did you do that?" He could tell I was disappointed and so he responded with that look of duh mom, "I wanted a purple bath." Yes.. why else would you use half a bottle of only for silver shampoo unless you wanted a purple bath?

I asked him if he washed his hair and he said, "No way, who even uses that stuff?" " Grandpa does." "Why does Grandpa want purple hair?" Then Grandma chimed in, "You know, that is why they call him the Silver Fox." Noah laughed and mocked the name "Silver Fox." Noah had to apologize to Grandpa for purple bathwater AND for disrespecting the coolness of the Silver Fox.

What I learned from Noah: There are not cabinets high enough to save me from his experiments, the timing will most likely be bad, there are thrills to be had in blueberry water and purple baths and Grandpa has lots of patience.

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