Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How Much is That Doggy in the Window?

Noah can never have enough when it comes to animals. He has a Great Dane and yet, continues his pleas for a fish, then another fish, a hamster, a baby chick, a little yorkie and it goes on and on and on.  After the fish and Da Vinci's poops...I said, "NO. NO. NO."

The other day Rick was listening to his messages. There was a message from a woman that was returning an inquiry for interest in purchasing an adorable yorkie. Rick was bamboozled. He likes the big it couldn't be him. I love the little dogs, but cannot add one more thing to my plate no matter how adorable...The call came again only the message was addressed to Noah. Yes, Noah. He had searched the internet for yorkies. Unbeknownst to his parents, he had found one for sale...and just how much was that doggy in the window? Oh just a mere $1300.00.  Noah typed a reply expressing interest and then left his parent's phone numbers!! Granted it took a great deal of courage for Noah to do business with an adult...The business ended with an emphatic "NO!" Besides, dear sweet  Da Vinci would probably mistake the little yorkie for a chew toy.

What I learned from Noah: He is most creative and persistant in getting what he wants and once he has obtained his desire, he is off searching out the next best thing to want.

What I learned from the Yorkies: They are pretty doggone cute!

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