Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do You March in Parades and Search for Some Shade?

"Oh what do you do in the summer time when all the world is green? Do you march in parades or drink lemonade? Is that what you do? so do I!!!!"  This year just happened to be the year that our Primary was invited to participate in the Days of '47 Youth Parade. We felt honored as it is probably a once in a life time opportunity and it is the largest parade for children in the entire United States of America.Our Stake's Theme was "Building Eternal Families." The Primary bulletin board was full of 5 x 7 photos of Eternal Families in the making, that had been collected for the single purpose of having their family photo on the float.
In June, we took those photos over to the Stake Center where the children would assist in decorating the float. It was an adorable little home in which the 5 x 7 photos were placed on a brick and each child's stamped hand prints, were secured to a tile on the roof.
 (photo the Groendykes had on the float...taken at Draper Temple Open House)

Everyone learned a chant to repeat as we marched, "We build last for Eternity...we have the tools, to follow the rules...when we work together, we can be Forever..yes we build families! YEA!  Noah would have nothing to do with this chant. It clearly embarassed him and he even asked me not to do it too.

On July 18, 2009, we met down by Trolley Square dressed in a white t-shirt, levi shorts, plastic yellow hard hats, and a foam tool belt. For the little Sunbeams, men were there with wheel barrows ready to push them in the event they were too tired to walk.
Having never participated in the Youth Parade or even seen the parade, I was amazed at the major production it really was... marching bands, awesome floats, royalty, children, children, and more children, TV cameras, people was a memory to cherish and I felt the adrenaline rush. I shouted the chant so loud that I lost my voice and sent Noah fleeing to be with the more conservative wavers. I did not mention to Rick the costume because, frankly, I didn't expect him to participate. He inquired, "Why didn't you tell me to wear a white t-shirt and levis?" OOPS It really warmed my heart that he would be willing to be a part of this activity for Noah.
Following the Parade--popsicles and FUN awaited the children that had successfully marched in the Parade. It was inflatable Heaven.!!!! I had never seen so many balloon, blow up, bouncy, rubber type toy things ever!!!! Fortunately for us, we were the first Stake to complete the route, which meant we were able to hit the stations before the mad rush of children and parents.

The greatest surprise and most excitment I witnessed from Noah, is when Darth Vadar passed by us. Noah was determined to find him, talk to him, get a photo with him, and would have spent the rest of the day with him had it not been for my urging him back on the inflatalbe toys. Noah wanted me to go with him a second time so that he could tell Mr. Vadar, that he, Noah Dayne Groendyke was his number one fan. Mr. Vadar was huge and even had the voice.  If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was the real thing.
( is he from our freezer....ha ha)

Noah played until the sweat of his brow had soaked his hair. He built a birdhouse with Home Depot. He played cowboy type games and collected things from a vairety of booths. After we had worn ourselves to the bone, we had the Parade Route walk back to the car...uuugggghhhh. There was a friendly fire engine spraying cool water for those of us suffering from heat exhaustion.

Once we were in our over-heated car--Noah could only think about one thing--JOHNATHAN!!! The Richard Hart Family had already joined the Hebgen Lake Group and we were sure to follow.

What I learned from Noah: He is a builder, a marcher, a player, but not a chanter.

What I learned from Rick: He is an even better sport than I gave him credit for being.

What I learned from Me: I am so proud of my Pioneer Heritage!!!

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