Monday, July 13, 2009

Hebgen 101

After church on Sunday (and a lengthy search for my camera,) Noah, Jenn and myself would make way to Idaho Falls...the first step in Hebgen 101. The Bodine and Hart Families have this vacation down to a science. Each and everyone knows their place, their assignment, and the events that will take place. The first night is in Idaho Falls where a storage unit holds wave runners, a boat, four wheelers and so forth. Each of the so called toys were hitched to the appropriate vehicle and ready for the journey ahead.

(Commercial Break--while passing through McCammon to Idaho Falls, we witnessed another magnificent storm and sky. It was probably to everyone's advantage that I misplaced my camera as I would have had to stop every five seconds to photograph the amazing beauty we now, could only absorb with our eyes. Jenn did get a video shot of the torrential rain fall that enhanced the thrill of the storm. If only we could have been outside to experience the petrichor...)

Everyone traveling to Hebgen was waiting for us at the Howard Hart Home. We had a quick reunion, laughs, and review of the morning after. The word: "be here, ready to leave at 9:00 am."Noah and I had sleeping arrangements at Grandma and Grandpa Harts. It was late getting to bed, but well worth the extra moments visiting with them. The home of my childhood looked beautiful. It is always a ritual for me to check each room in the house, look at the collages, go through the mail as if I still lived there, and see the photos posted on the fridge. Noah and I slept well in preparation for the big Grand Opening Day of the Cabin on Hebgen Lake.
I had the good fortune of having Jenn and Mallory join me for the ride up to the Lake. They gave me the play by play--groceries, check. equipment, check. gas, check. It was crazy to be in such a convoy of large vehicles all "psyched" about the adventure that awaited. At one time, I had the number two spot. Somehow, Lisa swiveled here, Pete passed there, Howard u-turned here and by golly, if I wasn't last vehicle.That was okay. They would break the wind for my even easier load. Then there was the traditional rest stop just short of West for bathroom, treats, and gas for the containers. It really is quite a production.

Jenn and Malls and their country tunes made the trip for me "bcote."(a word they made up...blow cool over the edge??) Truly, my hip nieces keep me young and laughing. I knew this was serious business when we arrived to the major dirt road just after the sign of Madison Arm Resort. Mallory, stated that at that moment she felt the rush of adrenaline pump throughout her being of the whole cabin experience as we arrived on that dirt road. This was a first time for Noah and me. We had not been there on day one of the cabin experience.
As we pulled into the lake front property, the work began--unloading. I have to say, no one slacked. Everyone knew that when the work was done, play could begin. Today the wave runners would be put into the water along with the boat. I sensed the excitement in each person as they hustled about. I too was thrilled to be a part of this adventure.
There were moments to catch a brief nap and some quiet fishing on the dock. Maddie, one of Playmill Theatre's Cast Members, came in for a welcome, a hug and an extra hand. True to form, the Opening Day of a 6 week hiatus on Hebgen Lake was awesome.
What I learned from Noah: He is very comfortable around adults and had no quams inviting himself to be Uncle Pete and Uncle Howard's wing man.
What I learned from the Bodine/Hart clan:  A cabin of order is a happy one and that repeating a task over and over again makes for all things to become second NATURE.

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