Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Playmill, Playmill and More Playmill

Being a teenager in Idaho Falls, Idaho meant that we often had to create our own fun. I remember a particularly thrilling date with Chris Wilken...oh, and Eric Walker and who knows who else. It was a ride into West Yellowstone. The drive was about 90 minutes. We would enjoy a tasty meal, walk the streets and then head to the Playmill Theatre. It was a rather small theatre, but that meant the audience was more involved and made for a quaint and charming evening. There was the variety show, the intermission where the cast would sell treats for the second half, and always a fabulous and hilarious show.
Years later, my brother in law rented out a Cabin on Hebgen Lake--just minutes away from West Yellowstone. It became the family tradition to see the Playmill Theatre's Shows year after year...and not just one, all three, and not all three just once. I would say that the Bodine/Hart Family have done their share in keeping this company in business. It is a rather odd, but welcome feeling to walk in with the Bodine family and get an ovation from the Cast "Yea, the Bodines are here!"
There was Trent, David Walker, "Forever Plaid, " "Joseph," "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," "Oklahoma" just to name a few of the gazillion memories. I believe one year, my nieces Madeline and Jennifer even went to a Playmill Theatre Camp and then performed what they had learned. Madeline stood front and center stage year after year as the cast sang "Happy Birthday" to her. She even got a smackeroo from a few hotties that performed at the Playmill.

Then there was the Single Seat. My niece, Mallory was able to live out her long awaited dream by requesting and sitting in the oh so awkward, randomly desired Single Seat. I had the good fortune to witness this event first hand. Then there was Mr. Big Hunk in another section--he was the recipient of a Tropical Ice Cream Treat via Mallory via overbearing aunt... Mallory was then the recipient of many OOOOHHHH and AAAHHHHS from the observing audience. That was a real bonding moment for me and my niece.

Okay, so this year, just when you think Playmill can't get any "bcote."Niece, Miss Madeline, tried out for the cast and is now a very important member of the Playmill Theatre. There are three shows in which I have seen all of them and some of them even twice--"The Secret Garden," "Footloose," and "Guys and Dolls."It is an absolute rush for me to see her living a dream. Miss Mads is beautiful, energetic, and having the time of her life. The first night I was there, one of the opening numbers in the variety show was "Suddenly Seymour," played by another young woman in the cast. Oh how it bothered me. I had seen that number performed numerous times by Miss Mads in last year's "Little Shop of Horrors." How I longed to hear her sing that again...maybe even just once and I would be satisfied.
Though she did not have any leading roles, she played each role as if it were the lead. She was spectabulous and I was beaming with pride. Noah thought the Playmill was a nightly ritual and was so disappointed when we went into town JUST for dinner.
So now I am home.  I feel the "after Hebgen back to real life blues." I check my muted phone and there in what appeared to be bold print was "Madeline is performing 'Suddenly Seymour' with Addison tonight. I can hardly wait." I started looking for my keys to the car. I was not going to miss MY long awaited request. The thought occured to me to check to see when the text message was sent--yesterday--I MISSED IT!!! I truly wanted to cry. Is it possible to be so gratefully bummed? I was so grateful Madeline had the opportunity to sing that number on her birthday.I was so bummed I wasn't there to see it first hand and not a one of my family members had the gumption to record such a moment. Oh well...

Now that I have reminded and depressed myself that I missed Miss Madeline sing "Suddenly Seymour," I will close by saying, Playmill hasn't seen the last of me yet.
What I learned period: Dreams do come true, the Playmill Theatre and the Book of Mormon are true (spotted Books of Mormon on random benches with the town literature and advertisments,) I still have a case of bad timing and once in a great while, I can pull off the overbearing, over proud Aunt.

What I learned from Noah: "The theatre, the theatre" litlle boy had a grand time at the theatre.

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